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218 statements
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1# Python 3 Standard Library
2import abc
3import builtins
4import inspect
5import numbers
6import operator
8# Third-Party Libraries
9import numpy as np
10import numpy.random as npr
11import scipy.special
12import scipy.stats
14# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
15class Universe:
16 def __init__(self):
17 if hasattr(self, "rvs"):
18 for rv in self.rvs:
19 rv._valid = False
20 self.rvs = []
21 self.n = 0
22 seed = 0
23 = np.random.SeedSequence(seed)
24 self.rng = npr.default_rng(
26 def __call__(self, size=None):
27 if size is None:
28 output_size = (self.n,)
29 elif isinstance(size, int):
30 output_size = (self.n, size)
31 else: # tuple -- TODO check
32 output_size = (self.n,) + size
33 return self.rng.uniform(size=output_size)
36Omega = Universe()
39def restart():
40 Omega.__init__()
43# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
44class Error(Exception):
45 pass
47class InvalidRandomVariable(Error):
48 pass
50class InvalidSample(Error):
51 pass
54class RandomVariable(abc.ABC):
55 def __init__(self):
56 Omega.rvs.append(self)
57 self._valid = True
59 def check(self, omega):
60 if not self._valid:
61 raise InvalidRandomVariable()
62 if len(omega) != Omega.n:
63 error = "sample omega does not match the current universe size"
64 raise InvalidSample(error)
66 # Binary operators
67 def __add__(self, other):
68 return function(operator.add)(
69 self, other
70 ) # wrapped each and every time ? This is ugly.
71 # at the moment I can't make it work otherwise. Probably because I don't understand
72 # what wrapt is doing, I should probably get rid of it.
73 # There is at least one level of nesting I can get rid of (the decoration
74 # can be done at class definition time and the result stored in it).
75 #
76 # TODO:
77 # - get rid of wrapt
78 # - automate
79 # - unroll the calls
81 __radd__ = __add__
83 def __sub__(self, other):
84 return function(operator.sub)(self, other)
86 def __rsub__(self, other):
87 return function(operator.sub)(other, self)
89 def __mul__(self, other):
90 return function(operator.mul)(self, other)
92 __rmul__ = __mul__
94 def __truediv__(self, other):
95 return function(operator.truediv)(self, other)
97 def __rtruediv__(self, other):
98 return function(operator.truediv)(other, self)
100 def __floordiv__(self, other):
101 return function(operator.floordiv)(self, other)
103 def __rfloordiv__(self, other):
104 return function(operator.floordiv)(other, self)
106 def __pow__(self, other):
107 return function(operator.pow)(self, other)
109 # TODO: divmod, pow, lshift, rshift, and, xor, or
111 def __lt__(self, other):
112 return function(, other)
114 def __le__(self, other):
115 return function(operator.le)(self, other)
117 def __eq__(self, other):
118 return function(operator.eq)(self, other)
120 def __ne__(self, other):
121 return function(, other)
123 def __ge__(self, other):
124 return function(, other)
126 def __gt__(self, other):
127 return function(, other)
129 # Unary operators
130 def __neg__(self):
131 return function(operator.neg)(self)
133 def __pos__(self):
134 return function(operator.pos)(self)
136 # **BUG** won't work ... This is structural : __bool__ must return a bool.
137 # This limitation should be documented ; this is tricky. You cannot randomize
138 # a function that tests boolean outputs. Of course, you can still write it
139 # in the low-level form, randomize the input yourself, do the sampling based
140 # on the argument omega and THEN test on the samples.
141 def __bool__(self):
142 # return function(builtins.bool)(self) # this is probably very borked, right ?
143 raise TypeError("you cannot use a random value where a boolean is required")
145 # TODO : abs, invert, complex, int, long, float, oct, hex.
148# Mmm I don't really understand of `np.vectorize` can make functions with test
149# (apparently) work ... I have to give it some thought :). The bottom line
150# being that you cannot output anything from __bool__ but a true bool ...
151# Ah, ok, I get it : the decoration merely delays the test evaluation,
152# but the code of randomized functions only see "true" deterministic values ...
153# This is a trick that should be carefully documented : "wrapping" the tests
154# into randomized function will allow use to use random variables in tests.
156def function(f):
157 def wrapped_function(*args, **kwargs):
158 all_args = list(args) + list(kwargs.values())
159 if not any(isinstance(arg, RandomVariable) for arg in all_args):
160 return f(*args, **kwargs)
162 class Deterministic(RandomVariable):
163 def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): # TODO: I'd like these args and
164 # kwargs to have wrapped signature and be checked against it ...
165 # Does it work by default ?
166 super().__init__()
167 self.args = [randomize(arg) for arg in args]
168 self.kwargs = {k: randomize(v) for k, v in kwargs.items()}
170 def __call__(self, omega):
171 self.check(omega)
172 args_values = [arg(omega) for arg in self.args]
173 kwargs_values = {k: v(omega) for k, v in kwargs.items()}
174 return f(*args_values, **kwargs_values)
176 return Deterministic(*args, **kwargs)
178 return wrapped_function
181# # Using the bool function is fine (as long as the result is not used in tests)
182bool = function(builtins.bool)
185class Constant(RandomVariable):
186 def __init__(self, value):
187 super().__init__()
188 # Yep, the value of a constant can be randomized too.
189 if isinstance(value, RandomVariable):
190 self.rv = value
191 else:
192 self.rv = lambda u: value
194 def __call__(self, omega):
195 self.check(omega)
196 return self.rv(omega)
199# Distributions
200# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
201class Uniform(RandomVariable):
202 def __init__(self, a=0.0, b=1.0):
203 super().__init__()
204 self.n = Omega.n
205 Omega.n += 1
206 self.a = randomize(a)
207 self.b = randomize(b)
209 def __call__(self, omega):
210 self.check(omega)
211 u_n = omega[self.n] # localized abstraction leak HERE.
212 return self.a(omega) * (1 - u_n) + self.b(omega) * u_n
215class Bernoulli(RandomVariable):
216 def __init__(self, p=0.5):
217 super().__init__()
218 self.U = Uniform()
219 self.P = randomize(p)
221 def __call__(self, omega):
222 self.check(omega)
223 u = self.U(omega)
224 p = self.P(omega)
225 return u <= p
227class Binomial(RandomVariable):
228 def __init__(self, n, p=0.5):
229 super().__init__()
230 self.Bs = [Bernoulli(p) for _ in range(n)]
232 def __call__(self, omega):
233 self.check(omega)
234 bs = [B(omega) for B in self.Bs]
235 return sum(bs)
237class Poisson(RandomVariable):
238 def __init__(self, lambda_):
239 super().__init__()
240 self.L = randomize(lambda_)
241 self.U = Uniform()
243 def __call__(self, omega):
244 self.check(omega)
245 lambda_ = self.L(omega)
246 u = self.U(omega)
247 # Source: scipy ``
248 vals = np.ceil(scipy.special.pdtrik(u, lambda_))
249 vals_minus_1 = np.maximum(vals - 1, 0)
250 temp = scipy.special.pdtr(vals_minus_1, lambda_)
251 return np.where(u <= temp, vals_minus_1, vals)
253class Normal(RandomVariable):
254 def __init__(self, mu=0.0, sigma2=1.0):
255 super().__init__()
256 self.U = Uniform()
257 = randomize(mu)
258 self.sigma2 = randomize(sigma2)
260 def __call__(self, omega):
261 self.check(omega)
262 u = self.U(omega)
263 mu =
264 sigma = np.sqrt(self.sigma2(omega))
265 return scipy.special.erfinv(2 * u - 1) * np.sqrt(2) * sigma + mu
268class Exponential(RandomVariable):
269 def __init__(self, lambda_=1.0):
270 super().__init__()
271 self.U = Uniform()
272 self.lambda_ = randomize(lambda_)
274 def __call__(self, omega):
275 self.check(omega)
276 u = self.U(omega)
277 lambda_ = self.lambda_(omega)
278 return -np.log(1 - u) / lambda_
281class Cauchy(RandomVariable):
282 def __init__(self, x0=0.0, gamma=1.0):
283 super().__init__()
284 self.U = Uniform()
285 self.x0 = randomize(x0)
286 self.gamma = randomize(gamma)
288 def __call__(self, omega):
289 self.check(omega)
290 u = self.U(omega)
291 x0 = self.x0(omega)
292 gamma = self.gamma(omega)
293 return x0 + gamma * np.tan(np.pi * (u - 0.5))
296class t(RandomVariable):
297 def __init__(self, nu):
298 super().__init__()
299 self.U = Uniform()
300 self.N = randomize(nu)
302 def __call__(self, omega):
303 self.check(omega)
304 u = self.U(omega)
305 nu = self.N(omega)
306 return scipy.special.stdtrit(nu, u)
309class Beta(RandomVariable):
310 def __init__(self, alpha, beta):
311 super().__init__()
312 self.U = Uniform()
313 self.A = randomize(alpha)
314 self.B = randomize(beta)
316 def __call__(self, omega):
317 self.check(omega)
318 u = self.U(omega)
319 alpha = self.A(omega)
320 beta = self.B(omega)
321 return scipy.special.btdtri(alpha, beta, u)
324# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
325for name in dir(np):
326 item = getattr(np, name)
327 if isinstance(item, np.ufunc):
328 globals()[name] = function(item)
331def randomize(item):
332 if isinstance(item, RandomVariable):
333 return item
334 elif callable(item):
335 return function(item)
336 else:
337 return Constant(item)