Don't you think that it's only appropriate to discover Python with a snake game?
Sébastien Boisgérault Associate Professor, ITN Mines Paris – PSL
In this project you will create a program which is a classic video game:
the 🐍 snake game! You will use Python and the Pyxel library.
What matters is the learning experience:
you will discover how to design and implement a complete application,
by starting with a simple program and adding features one by one.
By the end of this project, you will have something like this:
🍓 which grows by eating fruits that respawn at random locations,
🥴 shrinks when he hits an obstacle (either a wall, a rock, or its own body).
Getting started
Let’s start with a message display whose color changes over time.
The code of this application is:
import pyxeldef update(): if pyxel.btnp(pyxel.KEY_Q): pyxel.quit()def draw(): pyxel.cls(0) color = pyxel.frame_count % 16 pyxel.text(56, 54, "Hello, Snake!", color)pyxel.init(160, 120), draw)
Now we are going to slightly tweak this program until we understand
what’s going on.
When it’s necessary, search into Pyxel’s user’s guide and reference
Let’s tweak the colors a little:
Display a white background (instead of the black one).
Display the “Hello Snake!” message in black (not flickering).
Frame rate
To get a feel of the rythm at which the Pyxel application is running:
Measure the time elapsed between two calls to the draw
function of Pyxel.
Print the number of frames per second
(FPS) in the window top left corner.
The Game Board
Let’s build a game board
made of a square of 30x30 cells,
with each cell is 1 pixel large.
To check that everything’s ok, draw a checkerboard pattern like this:
(You may keep this checkerboard in the background as “training wheels” for a
while, and remove it when you’re ready.)
The Forbidden Fruit
Display a fruit at a random location on top of the checkerboard.
A fruit is a simple 1x1 rectangle (a pixel!). Pick a color you like!
When we say “random”, we want the fruit location to be different each time
you restart the program.
A Restin’ Snake
In the next step, we will represent the snake, as a sequence of pixels.
Let’s snake with the following simple sequence
snake_geometry = [ [10, 15], [11, 15], [12, 15],]
Let’s say that the last list item (here [12, 15]) represents the snake head.
Use a dark green color to represent the snake body and a light green
for its head.
Modify the program so that when the user presses the arrow keys,
the program displays (with the print function) the characters ←, ↑, →
or ↓ in the terminal.
It’s Aliiiiiiive!
We are finally going to make the snake move!
We create a (global) vector snake_direction whose initial value is [1, 0].
At each update, we move the head of the snake in this direction ;
the rest of its body follows.
Pressing an arrow key changes the direction of the snake.
I am starving!
So far the fruit and the snake don’t interact.
Let’s change that! Make sure that:
when the snake head reaches the fruit, the fruit disappears,
the snake grows by one pixel and
a new fruit appears at a random location.
Obviously, there are a couple of things missing here with respect
to the initial demo:
the snake should not be able to go through itself,
the snake cannot get out of the arena and
the snake should not be able to go through the rocks (yes, there are rocks now!).
Since we are not too cruel, the snake doesn’t die when such a collision occurs.
Instead, he loses one segment of it body (by frame), until only the head remains.