When your snake wanders in a maze...
Sébastien Boisgérault
Associate Professor, ITN Mines Paris – PSL
The aim of this project is to develop an “automatic navigation system” for our snake, to allow it to reach the fruit despite a complex environment with rocks that should be avoided.
Getting Started
For the sake of simplicity, we will consider here only mazes defined within
a 30x30 grid. We will represent them in Python as sets of pairs of integers
between 0 and 29, where each pair represents the coordinates of an empty
cell of the maze.
The pair (0, 0)
corresponds to the top left corner of the grid.
Maze Visualizer
We store the description of such mazes in files, using a
simple (but undocumented) file format.
For example the maze displayed above is stored as random-maze.py
Download this example maze file.
Inspect it contents and make an educated guess about the file format specification.
Construct the maze object
associated to this file.
Develop a function draw_maze
to display a maze.
This function should work in the following context:
import pyxel
WIDTH = 30
random_maze = ...
pyxel.init(WIDTH, HEIGHT)
Create your own maze
Design your own 30x30 maze, for example the empty maze, a spiral, etc.
Graphs and Paths
Mazes and Graphs
For each maze we define a graph
whose vertices are the empty cells of the maze,
whose edges represent the admissible movements from one cell to a neighboring cell (the two cells are empty and share a side),
for which the weight of each edge is 1; it represents the number of elementary actions (or “cost”) needed to move from one cell to a neighboring cell.
Given this definition
What Python data structure would we naturally use to represent these graphs?
Implement a function
which builds the graph associated to a maze.
Reachable Cells
Implement a function reachable_cells
which returns the set
of cells of a maze which are reachable from
the cell source
Extend the function draw_maze
to graphically differentiate
a set of cells using a given color.
Then use it to represent the set
of cells reachable from the top left corner of the maze
Mazes and Paths
Use this function to find a path joining the top left and bottom right corners
of the maze random_maze
and graphically represent the result by updating
your function draw_maze
Snake Game: Autopilot
Go back to the snake game of the previous session, discard the user inputs and instead use your brand new path finding algorithm to select the snake next move.