
When your snake wanders in a maze...


Sébastien Boisgérault
Associate Professor, ITN Mines Paris – PSL

Black Maze Wall by Mitchell Luo


The aim of this project is to develop an “automatic navigation system” for our snake, to allow it to reach the fruit despite a complex environment with rocks that should be avoided.

Getting Started

For the sake of simplicity, we will consider here only mazes defined within a 30x30 grid. We will represent them in Python as sets of pairs of integers between 0 and 29, where each pair represents the coordinates of an empty cell of the maze. The pair (0, 0) corresponds to the top left corner of the grid.

A Random Maze

A maze generated (pseudo-)randomly with a mix of 75% empty cells (in white) and 25% walls (in black).

Maze Visualizer

We store the description of such mazes in files, using a simple (but undocumented) file format. For example the maze displayed above is stored as random-maze.py.


Develop a function draw_maze to display a maze. This function should work in the following context:

import pyxel

WIDTH = 30

random_maze = ...

pyxel.init(WIDTH, HEIGHT)

Create your own maze

Design your own 30x30 maze, for example the empty maze, a spiral, etc.

Graphs and Paths

Mazes and Graphs

For each maze we define a graph

Given this definition

Reachable Cells

Implement a function reachable_cells which returns the set of cells of a maze which are reachable from the cell source.

Computation of the cells reachable from the top-left corner. The green cells are reachable cells whose neighbors have between inspected; orange cells are reachable, but their neighbors have not yet been inspected; Two groups of empty cells stay white until the end, and hence are unreachable.

Extend the function draw_maze to graphically differentiate a set of cells using a given color. Then use it to represent the set of cells reachable from the top left corner of the maze random_maze.

Mazes and Paths

Computation of the cells reachable from the top-left corner, together with the path effectively used to joing them (in pink).

Use this function to find a path joining the top left and bottom right corners of the maze random_maze and graphically represent the result by updating your function draw_maze.

Path to the bottom right corner

A path that joins the top left corner and the bottom right one (in pink).

Snake Game: Autopilot

Go back to the snake game of the previous session, discard the user inputs and instead use your brand new path finding algorithm to select the snake next move.
