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A stream is a simple model to deal with binary data, but sometimes you need more: you want to perform some lookahead without changing the stream or you want to try some read/write operations but go back to the initial state if they fail. At this stage, you probably have copies of streams everywhere and the stream interface seems very cumbersome.

Therefore, we provide snapshots, a simple solution for these use cases that doesn't require copies of streams: you can save the state of a stream at any stage in a sequence of read/write operations and restore any such state later if you need it.


The type of binary data can usually be identified by a specific header coded in its first few bytes. For example, WAVE audio can be detected with the function:

>>> from bitstream import BitStream, ReadError

>>> def is_wave(stream):
...    try:
...        riff =, 4)
...        _ =, 4)
...        wave =, 4)
...        return (riff == b"RIFF") and (wave == b"WAVE")
...    except ReadError:
...        return False

The contents of an empty single-channel 44.1 kHz WAVE audio file are for example

>>> wave = b'RIFF$\x00\x00\x00WAVEfmt \x10\x00\x00\x00\x01\x00\x01\x00D\xac\x00\x00\x88X\x01\x00\x02\x00\x10\x00data\x00\x00\x00\x00'

The function is_wave above works as expected at first

>>> stream = BitStream(wave)
>>> is_wave(stream)

but another attempt gives an incorrect answer:

>>> is_wave(stream)

The explanation is simple: to identify the header of a WAVE file, we need to consume the first 12 bytes in the stream. Since this header is missing from the stream afterwards, the new attempt fails.

To solve this issue, it's possible to make is_wave perform a (partial) copy of the stream and perform the check on the copy, leaving the initial stream unchanged. However in general this approach may be cumbersome; copies should also be avoided when possible for performance reasons.

Bitstream also supports snapshots, a better way to deal with lookaheads. With them you can:

  • save the state of a stream at any time,

  • perform arbitrary operations on it and then

  • restore its initial state.

The implementation of is_wave that does this is plain; we just make sure that whatever happens (even an error in the processing) the original state of the stream is restored at the end.

>>> def is_wave(stream):
...     snapshot =
...     try:
...         riff =, 4)
...         _ =, 4)
...         wave =, 4)
...         return (riff == b"RIFF") and (wave == b"WAVE")
...     except ReadError:
...         return False
...     finally:
...         stream.restore(snapshot)

This version works as expected:

>>> wave = b'RIFF$\x00\x00\x00WAVEfmt \x10\x00\x00\x00\x01\x00\x01\x00D\xac\x00\x00\x88X\x01\x00\x02\x00\x10\x00data\x00\x00\x00\x00'
>>> stream = BitStream(wave)
>>> copy = stream.copy()
>>> is_wave(stream)
>>> stream == copy
>>> is_wave(stream)

Exception Safety

Consider the toy DNA reader below:

>>> def DNA_read(stream, n=1):
...     DNA_bases = b"ACGT"
...     bases = []
...     for i in range(n):
...         base =, 1)
...         if base not in DNA_bases:
...             error = "invalid base {0!r}".format(base)
...             raise ReadError(error)
...         else:
...             bases.append(base)
...     return b"".join(bases)

It reads DNA sequences represented as bytes, either b'A', b'C', b'G' or b'T':

>>> dna = BitStream(b"GATA")
>>> DNA_read(dna, 4) # doctest: +BYTES

If there is a 'U' in the sequence, this is an error since the uracil base is only found in RNA.

>>> stream = BitStream(b"GAUTA") # invalid DNA sequence

The DNA reader correctly rejects the code

>>> try:
...     DNA_read(stream, 4)
... except ReadError:
...     print("Read error")
Read error

but the initial stream is partially consumed in the process:

>>> # doctest: +BYTES

This implementation therefore only provides some basic exception safety. A reader that preserves the original value of the stream when an error occurs would provide strong exception safety instead. With snapshots, the modifications required to support this are plain: we simply restore the original stream whenever an error occurs

>>> def DNA_read(stream, n=1):
...     DNA_bases = b"ACGT"
...     snapshot =
...     try:
...         bases = []
...         for i in range(n):
...             base =, 1)
...             if base not in DNA_bases:
...                 error = "invalid base {0!r}".format(base)
...                 raise ReadError(error)
...             else:
...                 bases.append(base)
...         return "".join(bases)
...     except:
...         stream.restore(snapshot)
...         raise

With this new version, reading an invalid DNA code still raises an exception

>>> stream = BitStream(b"GAUTA") # invalid DNA sequence
>>> try:
...     DNA_read(stream, 4)
... except ReadError:
...     print("Read error")
Read error

but now the original stream is intact

>>> # doctest: +BYTES

Multiple Snapshots

You can create snapshots of a stream at any stage between read/write operations. Multiple snapshots enable for example the implemention a hierarchy of readers or writers that provide strong exception safety at every level.

However arbitrary sequences of save and restore are not allowed: when a given snapshot is restored, the snapshots that were created between the snapshot creation and before its restoration are forgotten. In other words, saves and restores can only be applied in reverse order. Of course it is perfectly valid to skip some of the restores in the process: you can always create additional snapshots and never use them.

For example, you can take two snapshots s0 then s1 of a stream between write operations

>>> stream = BitStream()
>>> s0 =
>>> stream.write(b"A")
>>> s1 =
>>> stream.write(b"B")
>>> stream == BitStream(b"AB")

restore s1

>>> stream.restore(s1)
>>> stream == BitStream(b"A")

and then s0

>>> stream.restore(s0)
>>> stream == BitStream(b"")

You can also make the same snapshots

>>> stream = BitStream()
>>> s0 =
>>> stream.write(b"A")
>>> s1 =
>>> stream.write(b"B")
>>> stream == BitStream(b"AB")

and directly restore s0

>>> stream.restore(s0)
>>> stream == BitStream(b"")

but then s1 cannot be used anymore

>>> stream.restore(s1) # doctest: +ELLIPSIS
Traceback (most recent call last):
ValueError: ...

How does it Work?

The main (private) attributes of a BitStream structure are:

  • an array of bytes: the raw data

  • read and write cursors: they locate the beginning and the end of the stream in the bytes array.

When you read data from a stream, you shift the read cursor but the corresponding data is not deleted1 -- its is merely not accessible. The State structure stores values of the read and write cursors; the call state = produces a snapshot of the current cursor locations and stream.restore(state) restores them.

  1. This is why the memory consumption increases if you write a lot of data into a stream, even if you read it! The solution in this case is to copy the stream and discard the original since the copy method discards write history.