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We provide the following examples of bitstream usage:

  • Spoon: build a translator between Brainfuck programs and Spoon programs.

  • Wave: synthesize a pure tone and generate the corresponding WAVE audio file.

But first, as usual, let's start with

>>> from bitstream import BitStream


Spoon is a derivative of the Brainfuck programming language. Instead of the 8 ASCII symbols used by Brainfuck, it relies on binary sequences to represent each instruction.

The source of the "Hello World!" program in Brainfuck is1:

>>> hello_world = "++++++++++[>+++++++>++++++++++>+++>+<<<<-]>++.>+.+++++++..+++.>++.<<+++++++++++++++.>.+++.------.--------.>+.>."

The conversion between Brainfuck and Spoon is given by the table:

>>> spoon = {
...   "+": "1",
...   "-": "000",
...   ">": "010",
...   "<": "011",
...   "[": "00100",
...   "]": "0011",
...   ".": "001010",
...   ",": "0010110",
... }

You may notice that the binary codes that correspond to symbols that frequently appear in the hello_world program (such as +) are shorter than the others, a nice property since it generates a compact representation of Spoon programs2.

To create a bitstream that contains the Spoon translation of hello_world, we may for each symbol in this program find the corresponding binary code in the spoon table, transform it into a list of bools and append this data to the stream.

>>> stream = BitStream()
>>> for symbol in hello_world:
...     code = spoon[symbol]
...     code_as_bools = [bool(int(char)) for char in code]
...     stream.write(code_as_bools)

Here is the result:

>>> stream
>>> len(hello_world) * 8
>>> len(stream)

We now have of program of 245 bits instead of the 888 bits (111 bytes) of the original ASCII program. Not bad ...

It's also pretty easy to perform the opposite operation, to translate Spoon into Brainfuck. First, we can compute noops, the inverse of the spoon dictionary.

>>> noops = {}
>>> for symbol, code in spoon.items():
...     noops[code] = symbol
>>> n = max(len(code) for code in noops)

Then we read bits one by one from the stream into a buffer and look at each stage if the buffer corresponds to a key in noops, translate this code, empty the buffer and start again3.

>>> src = ""
>>> buffer = BitStream()
>>> while len(stream) > 0:
...     if len(buffer) > n:
...         raise ValueError("invalid Spoon bitstream")
...     else:
...         buffer.write(
...         try:
...             src += noops[str(buffer)]
...             buffer = BitStream()
...         except KeyError:
...             pass
>>> if len(buffer) > 0: # should be empty by now
...     raise ValueError("invalid Spoon bitstream")

We can then check that src and hello_world are the same program:

>>> src == hello_world


What does it take to play a pure tone? The synthesis of the data is quite easy: in the realm of digital audio, sounds are just numbers and NumPy is up to the task. The painful, low-level part of the process is to actually generate an audio file in a format that your computer does understand. Fortunately, this is where bitstream can help4.

Most of the audio file formats that you may know (MP3, AAC, FLAC, ALAC, etc.) use compression to reduce file size; unfortunately this feature leads to rather complex formats. Therefore, we are going to output WAVE files instead, which are typically uncompressed.

The WAVE PCM soundfile format webpage5 is a great source of information about the format. We will use it to design our code; please have a look at it! Here is its high-level description:

The WAVE file format is a subset of Microsoft's RIFF specification for the storage of multimedia files. A RIFF file starts out with a file header followed by a sequence of data chunks. A WAVE file is often just a RIFF file with a single "WAVE" chunk which consists of two sub-chunks -- a "fmt " chunk specifying the data format and a "data" chunk containing the actual sample data.

First, we import NumPy (and globally the integer types that we need).

>>> import numpy as np
>>> from numpy import uint8, uint16, uint32, int16

We use NumPy to produce 3 seconds of a pure tone with frequency 440 Hz (A4) at a sampling rate of 44.1 kHz (the audio CD standard).

>>> # Generate a waveform (pure tone)
>>> df = 44100
>>> dt = 1.0 / df
>>> T = 3.0
>>> t = np.r_[0.0:T:dt]
>>> f = 440.0
>>> data = np.sin(2 * np.pi * f * t)

In this description, every sample is a floating-point number that requires 64 bits. The typical WAVE file requires 16-bit integer data instead, so we perform the (lossy) conversion:

>>> # Quantize the floating-point data
>>> ones_ = np.ones_like(data)
>>> low  = (-2**15    ) * ones_
>>> high = ( 2**15 - 1) * ones_
>>> data = np.clip(2**15 * data, low, high)
>>> data = np.round(data).astype(np.int16)

Since WAVE files use a little-endian representation every numeric value and since bitstream is big-endian by default, we define a small function to help us perform the change automatically, using the newbyteorder method of NumPy.

>>> # Stream endianness helper 
>>> stream = BitStream()
>>> def write(datum, type=None):
...     if type and issubclass(type, np.integer):
...         datum = type(datum).newbyteorder()
...     stream.write(datum, type)

The rest of the work is a straightforward translation of the specification: first we write the main chunk

>>> # "RIFF" Chunk Descriptor
>>> chunk_size = 36 + 2 * len(data)  # size of the chunk after "RIFF"
>>> write(b"RIFF"           )
>>> write(chunk_size, uint32)
>>> write(b"WAVE"           )

then the format subchunk

>>> # "fmt" SubChunk
>>> subchunk1_size  = 16      # size in bytes of the subchunk after "fmt " 
>>> audio_format    = 1       # PCM data
>>> num_channels    = 1       # mono
>>> byte_rate       = 2 * df
>>> block_align     = 2       # number of bytes for one sample (all channels)
>>> bits_per_sample = 16
>>> write(b"fmt "                )
>>> write(subchunk1_size , uint32)
>>> write(audio_format   , uint16)
>>> write(num_channels   , uint16)
>>> write(df             , uint32)
>>> write(byte_rate      , uint32)
>>> write(block_align    , uint16)
>>> write(bits_per_sample, uint16)

and finally the data subchunk

>>> # "data" SubChunk
>>> subchunk2_size = 2 * len(data)  # size in bytes of the subchunk after "data"
>>> write(b"data"               )
>>> write(subchunk2_size, uint32)
>>> write(data          ,  int16)

and that's it! stream holds the content of our WAVE file; all we have to do is to read it as a string that we write into an actual file.

>>> # Generate the WAVE file
>>> wave_bytes =
>>> wave_file = open("output.wav", "wb")
>>> _ = wave_file.write(wave_bytes)

You can now listen to the sound in output.wav with your favorite music player.

For the sake of consistency, let's make sure that you and I have the same contents:

>>> import hashlib
>>> m = hashlib.md5()
>>> m.update(wave_bytes)
>>> m.digest() # doctest: +BYTES
b'\xb0\xcf\x0e8\x150\x1fV \x86\x9e2\xdf\xfb\x1d\xec'

  1. You don't have to trust me on this, you may try this code online at

  2. This is not a coincidence: Spoon has been designed as a Huffman code based on the analysis of a representative collection of Brainfuck programs. 

  3. This approach -- without any lookahead -- is safe here because this code is prefix-free

  4. Of course, there is a module in the Python standard library to read and write WAV files. We just pretend that we're in the mood to reinvent this wheel and learn something in the process. 

  5. by Craig Sapp from the Center for Computer Research in Music and Acoustics