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The Universe

import pioupiou as pp

The Big Bang

You may have noticed that every time I define a new model, the first thing I do is:


While this action is not mandatory, it serves two purposes:

  • It restores the initial state of pioupou 🐣.
    All the random variables that you have defined so far become invalid, but since you have reduced the size of your model (to nothing !), future sampling will be less computationally expensive.

  • It ensures a deterministic sampling of your random variables.
    Import pioupiou, create your model and sample it; then restart pioupiou and do it again; you will end up with the same values1.

Invalid Operations

Every previously defined random variable becomes invalid when pioupiou is restarted. To avoid any mistake, pioupiou ensures that you cannot call any such variable.

Consider the random variable U:

U = pp.Uniform()

It is perfectly valid and thus can be sampled:

>>> omega = pp.Omega()
>>> U(omega)

But once pioupiou has been restarted, any attempt to sample U will raise an exception:

>>> pp.restart()
>>> omega = pp.Omega()
>>> U(omega) # doctest: +ELLIPSIS
Traceback (most recent call last):

Similarly, if you generate a sample omega and then extend your model with a random variable that requires a larger universe (see Universe Structure), using the sample afterwards will be an invalid operation:

>>> pp.restart()
>>> U1 = pp.Uniform()
>>> omega = pp.Omega()
>>> U2 = pp.Uniform()
>>> U1(omega) # doctest: +ELLIPSIS
Traceback (most recent call last):
>>> U2(omega) # doctest: +ELLIPSIS
Traceback (most recent call last):


New random variables do not always require a larger universe, so in some cases you can get away with using old samples (refer to the section Universe Structure for details). But you can remember that in any case, it is always safe to build completely your model (define all your random variables) before you start your sampling.

Deterministic Sampling

Let's see the deterministic sampling in action. A model is a collection of random variables:

def make_model():
    X = pp.Uniform(0,1)
    Y = pp.Uniform(0,1)
    Z = X + Y
    return X, Y, Z

The first run gives us

>>> pp.restart()
>>> X, Y, Z = make_model()
>>> omega = pp.Omega()
>>> X(omega), Y(omega), Z(omega)
(0.6369616873214543, 0.2697867137638703, 0.9067484010853246)

Without a restart, new modeling and sampling steps will (probably) give different results:

>>> X, Y, Z = make_model()
>>> omega = pp.Omega()
>>> X(omega), Y(omega), Z(omega)
(0.8132702392002724, 0.9127555772777217, 1.726025816477994)

But if we restart pioupiou and recreate the model, we have reproduced the original results:

>>> pp.restart()
>>> X, Y, Z = make_model()
>>> omega = pp.Omega()
>>> X(omega), Y(omega), Z(omega)
(0.6369616873214543, 0.2697867137638703, 0.9067484010853246)

Universe Structure


This section explains the structure of omega in omega = pp.Omega(). But this is an implementation detail: you can treat omega as an opaque object and merely use it to sample your random variables.

In pioupou, all randomness is derived from \(n\) primitive random variables which are independent and uniformly distributed on \([0,1]\). Concretely, that means that every random variable in your model depends deterministically on these \(n\) primitive random variables2. The number \(n\) itself depends on the complexity of your model: every time that you invoke pp.Uniform() (directly or indirectly), you instantiate a new primitive random variable. The call pp.Omega() merely samples these \(n\) primitive random variables3.

Let's see how that works. When no model has been defined, we obviously need zero primitive random variables, thus \(n=0\) and omega = pp.Omega() is array of length 0:

>>> pp.restart()
>>> pp.Omega.n
>>> omega = pp.Omega()
>>> omega
array([], dtype=float64)

If we create a new uniform random variable on \([0,1]\) now \(n\) is 1.

>>> U = pp.Uniform()
>>> pp.Omega.n
>>> omega = pp.Omega()
>>> omega
Guess what? Here \(U\) is exactly the first (and only) primitive random variable:
>>> U(omega)
>>> U(omega) == omega[0]

Since internally, each call to pp.Normal() instantiate a new (independant) uniform variable on \([0, 1]\), adding an independent normal variable to the model will increase the number of primitive random variables by one:

>>> N = pp.Normal()
>>> pp.Omega.n
>>> omega = pp.Omega()
>>> omega
array([0.26978671, 0.04097352])

As usual, this \(\omega\) can be used to sample the random variables \(U\) and \(N\):

>>> U(omega), N(omega)
(0.2697867137638703, -1.739498886765934)

Note that if you add to your model a random variable that depends deterministically on the existing ones, you won't increase the number of primitive random variables.

>>> X = U + N
>>> pp.Omega.n
>>> omega = pp.Omega()
>>> omega
array([0.01652764, 0.81327024])
>>> U(omega), N(omega), X(omega)
(0.016527635528529094, 0.8900118529686626, 0.9065394884971917)

As a special case, constant random variables – which depend deterministically on zero existing random variables - do not increase the size of the universe either:

>>> I = pp.Constant(1.0)
>>> pp.Omega.n
>>> omega = pp.Omega()
>>> omega
array([0.91275558, 0.60663578])
>>> U(omega), N(omega), X(omega), I(omega)
(0.9127555772777217, 0.2705613202510434, 1.1833168975287651, 1.0)

  1. You may not appreciate this feature but it is terrific when you are testing models since your execution is repeatable. 

  2. Your universe is \(\Omega = [0,1]^n\) and its probability \(\mathbb{P}\) is the Lebesgue measure ; for any measurable set \(A \subset \Omega\), $$ \mathbb{P}(A) = \int_{\Omega} 1_A(\omega) \, d\omega. $$ Every random variable is a (measurable) function \(X :\Omega \to \mathbb{R}\). What we call primitive random variables in this context are the \(n\) random variables \(U_1, \dots, U_n\) defined by \(U_i(\omega_1, \dots, \omega_n) = \omega_i\). Thus, for any random variable \(X\), we have $$ X(\omega_1, \dots, \omega_n) = X(U_1(\omega_1, \dots, \omega_n), \dots, U_n(\omega_1, \dots, \omega_n)). $$ This proves that any random variable \(X\) in this universe depends deterministically on \(U_1, \dots, U_n\)

  3. Or if you wish, samples the universe \(\Omega\)

Last update: 2022-05-25